Troop 848 Calendar

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Working on Blog...

My attempt to bring the blog up to date, and refreshing some items. Let me know if you encounter any issues.

Monday, September 29, 2014

September coming to a close!

As we end the month of September, the temperatures are dropping, and that means the start of cool nights camping, holidays, and service projects. The calendar has been updated, and the new scouting year is upon us.

We have 4 newly elected boys to the Order of the Arrow. Congratulations go out to:

Matthew E.
Sean T.
Peter R.
Ben E.

Now just to get your Ordeal worked out and you will be well on your way in the OA.

November brings the new Troop elections. Please consider a position in the Leadership, so you can help guide and move the troop in the future. If you are new to First Class, or need leadership position for rank advancement, please contact Scoutmaster Jeff, and he will get you worked in till the elections...

A message from Scoutmaster Jeff:

I hope everyone has had an enjoyable weekend!

Our regular meeting will be from 7:00-8:30 tomorrow evening. Scouts, if you have a length of rope for knot tying, please bring it along!
Yours in Scouting,
Jeff Williams
Scoutmaster, Troop 848
Upcoming Events:
October 6: Advancement and Skills Meeting
October 10-11 Order of the Arrow Ordeal at Kimbal Scout Reservation.
October 13: Religious Award Planning Meeting/PLC/Committee Mtg.
October 24-25: Weboree Campout